Parents Donate Toddler’s Organs to Help Give Other Families a Second Chance at Life
April 29, 2022
April marked National Donate Life Month, and we will close it out with Pediatric Transplant Awareness Week.
Although his life was cut short, 1-year-old Rylen Cowen continues to make a huge impact on many. Rylen’s parents made the selfless decision to donate his organs, so other families could have their miracle.
Rylen’s organs saved five lives. The Cowan family started the Smilin’ Rylen Foundation after his death, and Saturday marks their 5th Smilin’ Rylen Run.
The donations will go back to some of the organizations that helped their family through their darkest time such as LifeGift, Emma’s Hugs, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, Bo’s Place, and The Ronald McDonald House charities.
To learn more about the Smilin’ Rylen Foundation, visit their website. And to learn more about organ and tissue donation, click here.
To read the entire article as featured on Fox 26 Houston, please click here.