Press and media center
LifeGift is proud to partner with local, regional and national media to share the life-changing stories of donation and transplantation.
Media Contacts
We’re available to the media 24/7
We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions, provide subject matter experts and personal testimonies from individuals touched by donation and transplantation. We can also connect you with people in your community who can share inspiring real-life stories about organ and tissue donation.
Dagmar Hohnstein
Director of Communications
Office: 713-349-2570 | Mobile: 713-505-6871
Steve Stasny
PR Specialist
Office: 713-328-0665 | Mobile: 713-562-5669
LifeGift media mentions
PR Newswire – December 2, 202434 Lives Rescues 34 Kidneys
Fox 34 Lubbock – April 18, 2024Covenant Health, LifeGift host flag raising for Donate Life Month
Univison Houston – April 15, 2024El Mes Nacional de la Donación de Órganos y la Campaña de “Done Vida” se Celebra Cada Año en Abril
Media resources
Organ & Tissue Data Banner
LifeGift is honored to have continued the mission of organ, tissue and eye donation through the generosity of donors and their families who offered hope in 2024.
LifeGift Facts
Data and information to use when reporting on LifeGift.
2024 Annual Report
Read about the importance of organ, eye and tissue donation in 2024.